- 讀有興趣的英文書
- 找好用的英英字典(有例句、同義字、反義字、用法、是正面或負面字,APP)
- 嚐試用同意不同字
- 台灣人的英文文法,對美國人來說是意思。
- 養成每天背3個單字的習慣,不會的單字查用法例句,記在筆記本上。
- 自言自語說英文,或聽MP3
- 英文速讀,用手幫助,眼球跟著手走
- 看出關鍵字,不需整篇文章都看清楚
- 利用轉接詞預測內容
- 描述事實後舉例說明For instance
- 轉接詞描述順序: first, third, next, still, afterward, subsequently, finally, previously, simultaneously, concurrently, consequently.
- 轉接詞加述: besides, moreover, further, more, in addition, also, equally important.
- 轉接詞因果: because, as a result, consequently, thus, therefore, so, then, since, for the reason of.
- 轉接詞相對: but, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, by comparison, compared to, although, in contrast, while, meanwhile, as opposed to, in spite, despite.
- 轉接詞強調: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, positively, absolutely, unquestionably, certainly, without a doubt, perennially, eternally, emphatically, naturally.
- 轉接詞舉例: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, in this situation, take the case of, take...for an example, such as.
- 轉接詞總結: in brief, on the whole, summing up, in conclusion, hence, therefore, consequently, overall.
- 從轉接詞前後文猜出後文或前文不認識的字
- 六個文章寫作步驟:
- understand topic. what to write.
- Brainstorming: write down ideas in simple english
- select ideas. organize. plan. first paragraph, second paragraph
- make simple sentences with your idea.
- relations between two sentences. transition words.
- check
- 常見動詞(查到完全會): be, do, come, go, get, have, give, carry, carch, keep, male, take.
- TOEIC有on line作文課,可以幫你改作文
- 常reading,看到好的寫作手法,學起來。