2019年12月20日 星期五


  1. 讀有興趣的英文書
  2. 找好用的英英字典(有例句、同義字、反義字、用法、是正面或負面字,APP)
  3. 嚐試用同意不同字
  4. 台灣人的英文文法,對美國人來說是意思。
  5. 養成每天背3個單字的習慣,不會的單字查用法例句,記在筆記本上。
  6. 自言自語說英文,或聽MP3
  7. 英文速讀,用手幫助,眼球跟著手走
  8. 看出關鍵字,不需整篇文章都看清楚
  9. 利用轉接詞預測內容
  10. 描述事實後舉例說明For instance
  11. 轉接詞描述順序: first, third, next, still, afterward, subsequently, finally, previously, simultaneously, concurrently, consequently.
  12. 轉接詞加述: besides, moreover, further, more, in addition, also, equally important.
  13. 轉接詞因果: because, as a result, consequently, thus, therefore, so, then, since, for the reason of.
  14. 轉接詞相對: but, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, by comparison, compared to, although, in contrast, while, meanwhile, as opposed to, in spite, despite.
  15. 轉接詞強調: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, positively, absolutely, unquestionably, certainly, without a doubt, perennially, eternally, emphatically, naturally.
  16. 轉接詞舉例: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, in this situation, take the case of, take...for an example, such as.
  17. 轉接詞總結: in brief, on the whole, summing up, in conclusion, hence, therefore, consequently, overall.
  18. 從轉接詞前後文猜出後文或前文不認識的字
  19. 六個文章寫作步驟:
    1. understand topic. what to write.
    2. Brainstorming: write down ideas in simple english
    3. select ideas. organize. plan. first paragraph, second paragraph
    4. make simple sentences with your idea.
    5. relations between two sentences. transition words.
    6. check
  20. 常見動詞(查到完全會): be, do, come, go, get, have, give, carry, carch, keep, male, take.
  21. TOEIC有on line作文課,可以幫你改作文
  22. 常reading,看到好的寫作手法,學起來。




 好不容易裝好IKEA買來的吊櫃,花了三天。 從組裝,鑽牆,上牆調水平,累死我了。